Building a Bigger Boat
Annual Fundraiser
September 30- December 31, 2022

Due to the generational effects of colonization and impacts of residential schools, Indigenous youth from across Manitoba face many complex challenges on several fronts. The promotion of culture and identity through land-based activities has proven to improve physical & mental health outcomes and reduce involvement in the criminal justice and child welfare systems.
Waterways canoeing programs illustrate the tangible influence that land-based recreation has upon the social determinants that predict life outcomes for Indigenous youth in Manitoba.
Our collaborative canoe programs empower youth, connect them with their lands, waterways, and cultures while nurturing mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
None of this work happens overnight. Waterways has invested in a sustainable, long-term plan to reach our goals, but we need your support to make it happen. By supporting our initiatives, you will play an integral role in the growth and development of Indigenous youth in Manitoba. Your donation will support the ongoing success of our programs.
Since our creation in 2020, Waterways has provided over +3500 participant days of programming for over +1000 unique youth. We have operated in +20 Indigenous communities around Manitoba as well as in Winnipeg.
From supporting year-round planning to purchasing equipment, every dollar helps empower Indigenous youth to get out on the water and discover what they love about themselves, their culture, and canoeing! We hope we can count on your support!
Creating Spaces for Indigenous Youth to Grow

Make a donation.
Your donations will help us
Invest in recreation equipment
Train new program leaders
Send program leaders around the province to run activities
Expand programs to new communities
Get kids
(Please be advised we can NOT provide
charitable tax recipes.)